Download Innovative Fiscal Policy and Economic Development in Transition Economies
ІSВN: 9780203832035
Amount: 12.93 MB
Book format: pdf, text, android, ipad, audio, epub, ebook
Author: Aleksandr V Gevorkyan
Date added: 17.07.2012
This book explores the problems of fiscal policy as an instrument of economic and social development in the modern environment, primarily focusing on the transition economies of Eastern Europe.

Peter G. Peterson Institute for.
Innovative Fiscal Policy and Economic Development in Transition Economies
From Growth to Inclusive Green Growth:.
Innovative Fiscal Policy and Economic Development in Transition Economies
Economy | The Obama-Biden.China's Approach to Economic Development. China's Approach to Economic Development. Organisation for Economic Co-operation.
The Peterson Institute for International Economics is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of international economic policy.
27 November 2012 The global economy is expected to make a hesitant and uneven recovery over the coming two years. Decisive policy action is needed to ensure that
The Obama-Biden Plan. Our country faces its most serious economic crisis since the great depression. Working families, who saw their incomes decline by $2,000 in the
Economy | The Obama-Biden.
China's Approach to Economic Development.
Editor's Note: In testimony to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Eswar Prasad discusses China's twelfth five-year plan to reorient growth and